Fundraising ideas


Well-known member
Let's help one another out by sharing past fundraising events that were successful as well as those that were flops. Maybe it will help us with future fundraising ideas.

My city's local Humane Society hosts events throughout the year, but one the biggest money makers is the fall auction. Local businesses donate a lot of items to the auction -camping gear, electronics, athletic equipment, and things like that. But surprisingly it's common household goods that draw the most bids. For the past five years volunteers have used coupons and shopped weekly sales to snag laundry supplies, cleaning supplies, and other household basics. Those get bundled up into themed baskets - bid on a years supply of Tide, bid on six months worth of laundry supplies (detergent, dryer sheet, stain remover), bid on a years supply of cleaning products (furniture polish, window cleaner, antibacterial wipes). Of course, a years supply can mean different things to different families, so the auction booklet and basket both clearly list what's included and the winner takes it all home that day. Those auction items are insanely popular.

It isn't simple to as mass that amount of goods though. One of the biggest drawbacks is that couponing takes a lot of time. It becomes easier to manage with experience and there are lots of blogs that match weekly sales to the appropriate coupons which is a big time-saver.
As long as they aren't done too often in the same neighborhood sponsored events usually perform well. Sponsored walks (with dogs and added extra!), sponsored silences (popular with parents). People can sponsor for as little or as much as they choose per mile/hour etc or for a fixed sum if the event is completed by the person being sponsored.
Constance, I'm dying to know more about sponsored silences. Would we be responsible for teaching people to keep their pup quiet?

Big flops for us have always been car washes. There are just so many of them over the summer with both churches and kids' groups vying for the business.
Every year, our biggest local animal shelter has a sponsored walk. People walk a 5K with or without their dogs. At the event, there are also vendors selling things, demonstrations, an agility course to do, etc. It is always a huge success!

I know of a local cat shelter that does a golf tournament every two years as a fundraiser, and that doesn't seem to draw many people.

I think that when we are planning fundraising events, we not only have to think about who we want to draw in but who our current donors are and what they'd enjoy as well.