
Dog Training Glossary

Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a newcomer to the canine companionship, understanding the terminology used in dog training is essential. This dog training glossary aims to provide you with a comprehensive introduction to key dog terms and concepts associated with training your furry friend.

Dog Training and Behavior Terms

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There are currently 6 names in this directory beginning with the letter L.
Latency is the time between the cue and the beginning of the pet's response, the behavior.

Law of Effect.
Edward Lee Thorndike, the first important animal researcher observed through his research what is now known as the ‘law of effect’. It states that ‘any behavior which is accompanied by satisfying and agreeable consequences maybe repeated and those which are followed by undesirable consequences will most probably be terminated.’

Learned helplessness
Learned helplessness in dog training occurs when a dog, subjected to repeated and unavoidable negative experiences, becomes passive and accepts unfavorable situations without attempting to escape or avoid them. It is associated with punishment-based training methods and is discouraged in favor of positive reinforcement approaches that promote active learning and a positive relationship between the dog and the trainer.

See Aversive Training Can Cause Fallout for more...

A biological process by which behavior is changed as a result of experience. Conditioning!

In dog behavior training, "LIMA" stands for "Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive." It's an approach that emphasizes using the least intrusive and minimally aversive methods possible to address behavior issues in dogs. LIMA promotes humane and effective training techniques, prioritizing the well-being of the dog and avoiding methods that cause fear, pain, or discomfort whenever possible. Trainers following the LIMA approach consider the individual dog's temperament, history, and learning style to determine the most appropriate and least invasive training methods for achieving desired behavior changes.

Luring simply involves using a food reward to guide the dog into the desired position or behavior. Example: place a piece of food by a sitting dogs nose and start luring him into a down position.

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