What is normal dog play?
Normal dog play refers to the typical behaviors and interactions exhibited by dogs when engaging in social play with other dogs or sometimes even with humans. Play is an important aspect of a dog's development and socialization. It allows them to learn important social skills, practice communication, and release energy in a positive and enjoyable way.
Here are some characteristics and behaviors commonly seen during normal dog play:
Bowing: Dogs often initiate play by assuming a play bow position. They lower their front end while keeping their rear end raised, indicating their playful intent and inviting the other dog to engage.
Chasing and being chased: Dogs naturally enjoy chasing and being chased during play. They take turns being the pursuer and the pursued, which helps them practice their predatory skills and build agility.
Wrestling: Dogs engage in friendly wrestling matches, playfully biting and mouthing each other. They may take turns being on top or playfully pinning each other down without causing harm.
Play-biting: Dogs use their mouths during play, but it should be gentle and inhibited. They may mouth each other's necks, legs, or muzzles without causing injury. If one dog bites too hard, the other dog will typically yelp or disengage, signaling that the play was too rough.
Play-bowing: Dogs often engage in playful posturing, such as play-bowing, where they lower their front end while keeping their rear end raised. This gesture invites the other dog to continue playing or initiate play.
Tail wagging and body language: Dogs display various body language signals during play, including loose, wagging tails, relaxed facial expressions, and open mouths. They may also vocalize with playful barks or growls, which are distinct from aggressive vocalizations.
Role reversal: Dogs may take turns playing different roles, such as chasing and being chased. This balance helps maintain the fun and enjoyment of the play session.
It's important to note that individual dogs have different play styles and preferences. Some dogs may engage in more boisterous play, while others may be more gentle and prefer to play with toys or engage in chase games. As an owner or observer, it's essential to monitor the play and intervene if it becomes too rough or if any of the dogs seem uncomfortable or distressed.