Welcome to CRR Fish

 Our love for fish keeping has launched this new adventure with select Neolamprologus Multifasciatus fish fry. Another name for this species is Multi's. We are located on Staten Island NY 10305 and an extension to Camp Ruff Ruff.


Right Now We are Breeding Lake Tanganyikan Cichlids

We usually always have fry in stock but please email us for details. Right now we have shell dwellers Neolamprologus Multifasciatus also known as Multi's. At this time we ONLY do sales at our location and no shipping at this time. We are a small hobbyist trying to help the industry and fish.


History of CRR

We are a dog training and boarding business that has added fish fry into our program. Check back often or follow us on social media to keep updated on new fry or breeds.

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